What's on Offer at DLTC

The Dawn Lister Therapy Centre is a holistic therapy centre offering talking therapies, complementary therapies and a range of therapy modalities that relate to working with the body.

At the DLTC we endeavour to create a confidential, caring and safe environment to help people attend to and overcome a range of difficulties related to mind and body.


Neuro Linguistic Programming

What is Talking Therapy?

Talking therapies involve speaking with a trained professional to help you understand and manage life. A whole range of topics can be addressed; your feelings, thoughts, behaviours, relationships, life events, future plans, past events, difficult decisions… anything really.

Our team of talking therapists offer:

Clinical Psychology
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy
Systemic therapy
Narrative therapy

Attachment based therapy
Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR)
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
Hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

See here for our list of talking therapists:
Or contact us for further information:
What may happen in a talking therapy session?

All therapists will offer a confidential space, free from judgement, to talk things through to help you make sense of them. The relationship between therapist and client is used as a tool in therapy and is based on having mutual respect and trust.

Different types of talking therapy tend to have a different focus. Sometimes talking therapies may help you find solutions to problems, manage complicated feelings or recognise unhelpful patterns in your life; sometimes the focus will be on finding ways to live with them by offering different perspectives, tools and techniques to help you do this.

Therapists offering talking therapies usually do not prescribe medication.
Medication is usually prescribed by psychiatrists, GP’s or sometimes by nurse prescribers.

What is Bodywork and Complementary Therapy?

Body work is any therapy or modality that relates to working with the body.
Complementary therapy is any therapy that works in an alternative and supportive way to mainstream healthcare systems.

Our team of complementary therapists offer:

Pre and post Pregnancy
Myo-fascial Release Massage

Dry Needling
Baby Massage
Cranial Sacral therapy
Breath Work

What may happen in my body work / complementary wellbeing session?
  • The therapist will take a full history of the reason for attending, and your goals for the session. Your therapist will discuss any issues or challenges you may be facing now or in the past which may impact on your treatment.
  • If you are having a massage session you may be asked to undress down to your underwear and rest on the massage bed covered with a sheet for modesty.
  • Using a combination of manual techniques the therapist will palpate the body to reveal through touch underlying restrictions or blockages which can be released through various massage strokes.
  • Strokes vary from very light touch to firm or strong trigger point release techniques depending on your needs.
How long may my session last?

A session can last for between 30-40-60 mins. Depending on your requirements.

Yoga, Pilates and Meditation Classes